Liposomal Vitamin C, a new form of supplementation, boosts blood levels of vitamin C beyond what's possible with other pills, liquids, or foods.
See what a real boost in vitamin C can do for your body...
What is Liposomal Vitamin C?
A new form of dietary supplement, liposomal vitamin C is the most potent vitamin C that you can take orally. Other vitamin C liquids, pills, and powders have an upper limit of bioavailability because of the amount that can pass through the digestive system. Lipo Naturals encapsulates pharmaceutical-grade vitamin C in a tiny lipid bubble - called a 'liposome.' This liposome becomes a vehicle for its contents that are easily digested, bypassing supplementation limits of regular vitamin C. Lipo Naturals boots vitamin C levels in your body far higher than previously thought possible. Liposomal C is also easy on the stomach, with none of the harsh acidity that regular high dose vitamin C supplements exhibit.
Lipo Naturals is sunflower based, and doesn't use lower grade soy-based lipids. This ensures that your body can readily use our supplements more efficiently.
Did you know most mammals produce their own vitamin C?
Humans are one of the very few mammals who must obtain vitamin C from their diet. A typical 155 lb mammal produces 13,000 mg of vitamin C in their blood per day. Much more (10x more) is produced if injured or fighting disease. It isn't possible to achieve these blood levels in humans with diet or regular supplements.
What is a Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction?
When first taking Lipo Naturals Sunflower Vitamin C, you may experience mild fatigue as your immune system detoxifies the body. This is normal and will pass within a week or so. Drink water during this and avoid excessive alcohol beverage intake.
Дистиллированная вода, лецитин (из подсолнуха), натуральные вкусовые добавки (только ферментированная слива, мята, и семя льна).
Важно. Высококонцентрированный препарат. Перед использованием ознакомьтесь с информацией о дозировке.
Небольшой осадок в виде коричневатых отложений лецитина, используемого при получении липосом, является нормальным явлением. Встряхивайте перед каждым использованием.
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