Earth Broth™ is a one-of-a-kind superfood complex for deep nourishment and adaptogenic immune support. The perfect companion product to Vitamineral Green™, Earth™ is warming, grounding, and savory. This unique formula is loaded with nutrient-dense roots like astragalus, burdock, yacon, and ashwagandha and immune-supporting reishi, shiitake, and maitake mushroom extracts. Earth also contains a diverse mix of beneficial herbs, including slippery elm bark, red clover, kelp, blessed thistle, and sheep sorrel. This is the only herbal superfood complex of its kind. Try mixing Earth with herbal tea, miso broth, or veggies soup. Earth can also be consumed raw sprinkled on foods, mixed with salad dressings, or added to smoothies.
HealthForce SuperFoods® is a grassroots, independently owned and operated whole food botanical company. We offer a diverse and truly effective product line inspired by the incredible symbiotic power of plants. Our mission is fueled by a passion for purity and heart-centered collaboration, with a strong foundation of service and integrity. We are proud to offer clean, ethically produced products designed to help you thrive in a modern world.
"I Wish You Great Health And Happiness Always!"Данный продукт содержит свинец, химическое вещество, которое по данным штата Калифорния может вызвать рак, врожденные аномалии развития или причинить иной вред репродуктивной системе. Не использовать детьми, во время беременности и лактации.
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