By combining fisetin with fenugreek fibers, we’re able to create a fisetin formula that is up to 25 times more bioavailable. This means that the fisetin in our Bio-Fisetin supplement circulates longer than traditional fisetin. So what good can all that extra time with fisetin do for your body? As it turns out, quite a bit!
Fisetin and cellular senescence
Cellular senescence is a natural part of the aging process in which cells no longer function optimally. Senescent cells can accumulate over time, affecting the day-to-day function of the healthy cells around them. Fortunately, fisetin is a senolytic compound—an ingredient that actively targets senescent cells.
In fact, fisetin is among the strongest senolytic compounds discovered so far. Fisetin helps encourage the body’s natural pathways for clearing senescent cells, which allows healthy cells to flourish. Another important aspect of cellular longevity is sirtuin function. Sirtuin proteins keep your cells performing at their best—but sirtuin activity declines with age. Fisetin has been shown in preclinical studies to encourage youthful, healthy sirtuin function.
Fisetin and brain health
Protecting your brain is another good way to live longer. A recent clinical trial showed that fisetin helped protect the delicate nerve cells in the brain, and it has also shown promise for encouraging healthy cognitive function in preclinical studies. The key is absorbing enough fisetin for it to matter.
Fisetin and glucose metabolism
Glucose metabolism is important for everything from kidney function to how your body gains or loses weight. But maintaining already-healthy blood sugar can get harder as we get older. Studies indicate that fisetin acts as a kind of metabolism control switch, which may help your body maintain healthy glucose levels already within normal range. This in turn helps promote kidney health and vision health.
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