Welcome To The Lily Tradition
Lily of the Desert has been a leading producer of aloe vera since 1971. As the largest grower, processor and distributor of aloe vera products, we work hard to provide our customers with purest aloe in the marketplace. Our market-leading innovations and patent-pending processes allow us to offer the best possible products for our customers.
Lily of the Desert Aloe Vera Benefits
About Aloesorb
Aloesorb™: naturally occurring high molecular weight aloe polysaccharides that have been isolated through a patent-pending process and infused back into our aloe juices. Lily has completed a series of clinical studies on our own aloe juice with Aloesorb and the studies show:
Lily of the Desert products with Aloesorb show an overall improvement in health benefits.
High molecular-weight naturally occurring aloe polysaccharides that have been infused back into the product. Clinically proven to aid in improving absorption, support a healthy immune system and reducing toxic nitrate levels.
Burdock Root
Helps with occasional discomfort of the gastrointestinal tract and maintains healthy regularity.
Acacia Gum
Assists in the development of beneficial bacterias.
Milk Thistle
Supports a reduction of superoxide anion radicals and nitric acid in the liver, intestines and stomach.
Dandelion Leaf
Supports healthy liver, gallbladder and urinary tract function.
Slippery Elm Bark
Promotes further cleansing of waste from the colon.
Природный ароматизатор, ксантановая смола, лимонная кислота (рН-стабилизатор), менее 0,1% каждого бензоата натрия и сорбат калия, используемые в качестве консервантов для пищевых продуктов.
Содержит 80% органических ингредиентов.
После вскрытия упаковки хранить в холодильнике.
Важная информация для потребителей:
Этот продукт натуральный, поэтому возможно изменение цвета в связи с сезонными вариациями. Изменение цвета не влияет на чистоту, эффективность и качество продукта.
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