Maca for Men with Probiotics
Commonly known as "The Peruvian Ginseng," Maca is a root indigenous to the Andes of Peru. Maca was domesticated by the Incas and has since been used by Indigenous people as part of a daily diet to promote optimal well being. Maca contains Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Iron, other essential vitamins and minerals as well as a host of antioxidants. There are three varieties of Maca: Yellow, Black and Red-Purple Roots. Unlike Yellow Maca, Black & Red-Purple Maca Roots are the most elite of the varieties in that potent phytochemicals are found in the black and red-purple antioxidant rich pigments. Maca is considered to be one of the Amazon's most important adaptogenic superfoods due to its extraordinary nutritional profile and unique array of phytochemicals.
Organic Traditions Maca for Men is a unique maca blend specially formulated for men featuring a higher concentration of the black maca roots in relation to red-purple roots, with two parts black to one part red-purple. A proprietary gelatinization process is used in order to remove the starch from the tuber. Through this process a greater concentration of powerful phytonutrients is obtained. There are no fillers, additives, preservatives, colors or cane sugar. Enhance your favorite smoothie recipe or add to water, coconut water, juice, coffee, tea, shakes, yogurt, cereal, oatmeal, porridge, berries, pudding, apple sauce, pancakes, breads, baked goods, salads, soups, wraps, stir-fry, quinoa, rice and pasta dishes, raw superfood desserts and more!
-Lepidium meyenii-
Organic Nutrition From Around the World
At Organic Traditions we provide nutrient dense superfoods from many healing traditions. We are committed to supporting farmers who are dedicated to the principles of sustainable and fair trade agriculture. Now more than ever we need to nourish ourselves with superfoods, herbs, seeds and fruits packed with the nutrition needed to support the challenges that come with living in a fast paced world. Be adventurous. These superfoods are versatile. Incorporate them into recipes in any creative way you see fit. At every meal you have the opportunity to choose dense nutrition. Food is powerful. Make choices for a better you and a better planet.
Органическая черная мака, органическая красно-фиолетовая мака, бактерии бациллус коагуланс (B. coagulans).
Произведено на предприятии, которое обрабатывает древесные орехи. Может содержать древесные орехи
Закон штата Калифорния 65: При употреблении этого продукта вы можете подвергнуться воздействию химических веществ, включая свинец, которые, как известно в штате Калифорния, вызывают врожденные аномалии развития или причиняют иной вред репродуктивной системе.
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